Who am I
…or at least who I think I am…. Which I sometimes assimilate with great illusion to what I do and
what I have… but that’s another subject.
Maël, 42 years old. I was born and lived for 20 years in Nice, which I left to study in the Paris region.
I am married and father of a little girl. We live with three cats.
Between 2005 and 2013, as an employee, I carried out around fifteen missions in the wonderful world
"consulting" where my career path was quite traditional: junior, senior, manager and director.
Since 2014, my paid activity has been twofold. On the one hand, operational services and
transition management focused on business transformation. On the other hand, business coaching
(taking a position, relational locks, decision-making).
I practice yoga, cardio and kite surfing. I am also interested in electronic music and
development of human potential and capabilities.
Professional experience
01 - Laying the foundations of enterprise architecture and IS urbanizationApprehend the business as a system Mastering the complexity of the business Represent the Enterprise system Transform the business with enterprise architecture support Approaching enterprise architecture business capability Company organization (Organizational structures, Roles, Geographic location, Natural and legal persons) Business Strategy (Objectives, Brand Platform, Regulations, Requirements)
02 - The business of the companyTransforming a company impacts its business capabilities A capability approach to IS, urbanization of IS
03 - Data in the companyApproach the data (GDPR, DAMA) Modeling and Architecting data Governing data: related subjects, implementation, roles, key success factors
04 - Operation of the company: Customer journey and business processes to deliver products and servicesReuniting customer journey and processes Represent processes with BPMN Govern processes Process management tools
05 - Digital in the companyComputer applications and technologies Manage portfolio applications and technologies
06 - Planning, Construction, Management and Transformation of the companySecuring transformation with enterprise architecture Towards IS 2.0 master plans?
07 - Establish and Maintain enterprise architecture practices (Wrap up days 1 and 2)Establish by example (apply enterprise architecture to itself) Maintain by link (softskills and promotion)
08 - Le Numérique dans l'entrepriseTechnologies & Systèmes informatiques Gérer les applications et les technologies en portefeuille (Retours d'expérience sur l'inventaire, la rationalisation et le pilotage de l'obsolescence technologique)
09 - Pilotage, Planification / Construction / Transformation de l'entreprisePiloter l'entreprise avec les indicateurs et les risques Sécuriser la transformation avec l'architecture d'entreprise (Sujets connexes à la transformation, une proposition de processus d'agilité à l'échelle) Réaliser un schéma directeur SI en se basant sur une approche capacitaire de l'entreprise
10 - Etablir et Maintenir les pratiques d'architecture d'entreprise (Synthèse jours 1 et 2)Etablir par l'exemplarité (appliquer l'architecture d'entreprise à elle-même) Maintenir par le lien (soft skills et promotion)